Limits | Trust | Trance
Where is your edge?
Super Powers: Transcend limitations. Transform with change. Trust beyond understanding. Commune with the unknown. Activate extreme physical abilities.
Dysfunctions: Terrified of change. Addiction to change. Excessively stubborn. Terrified by the unknown. Inability to connect with 'the other'. Relating with 'the other' through prejudice. Battling with necessary or inevitable change. Addiction to risk. Inability to trust. Refusal to learn.
The Chin chakra is the center of transformation. It resonates your limitations and how you interact with them. Chin teaches you why you resist the unknown, and when to embrace it. Here you learn to walk quietly, boldly and trustingly into new territory.
Chin helps you to humble yourself to what you do not understand and transmute what was normal into a new way.